New research suggests that a keto diet may slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Low carb, but that's it lots of protein and high-quality fats – this concept has become one in recent years Trend diet become a way to lose weight. Instead of using glucose from carbohydrates for energy, the body must be stimulated to switch to fat burning. This creates the so-called Ketones as breakdown products in the liver, which are used to produce energy.

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A more positive effect than previously thought

But they may not all be positive effects, as a new study from the University of California, Davis, shows. It shows that the ketogenic diet reduces the early stages of Alzheimer's disease Memory loss in mice was significantly delayed. Mice fed keto guidelines lived 13 percent longer like the others.

The memory loss in question is comparable to this mild cognitive impairment in humans, which precedes full-blown Alzheimer's disease. The study was published in the journal Communications Biology der Nature Group published.

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Alzheimer's disease can slow down

A new study that follows up on this research has found that the molecule beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) plays an important role in preventing early memory loss. On a ketogenic diet, it increases almost sevenfold.

The research team was quoted in a press release as saying they observed “amazing abilities of BHB.” This included improving the function of synapses and the small structures that connect all the nerve cells in the brain.

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Female mice gain more than males

Scientists gave mice enough BHB to mimic the benefits of a seven-month keto diet. They found that mice on a ketogenic diet had a significant increase in biochemical pathways associated with brain cell formation.

The keto diet also appears to benefit women more than men and has led to increased BHB levels in women. Quite an interesting aspect if the data is transferred to humans. Because women are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease than men.

When nerve cells are better connected, memory problems improve with mild cognitive impairment. The conclusion is positive. “The data support the idea that the ketogenic diet in general, and BHB in particular, delays mild cognitive impairment and may also delay Alzheimer's disease.” The findings should be deepened in further studies.

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